About Us
Protect Democracy is a nonpartisan, anti-authoritarianism group.
Protect Democracy is a cross-ideological nonprofit group dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, building more resilient democratic institutions, and protecting our freedom and liberal democracy. Our experts and advocates use litigation, legislative and communications strategies, technology, research, and analysis to stand up for free and fair elections, the rule of law, fact-based debate, and a better democracy for future generations.
Staff Members
Our staff includes conservatives, moderates and progressives. We are policy experts, lawyers, technologists, system builders, operations experts, legislative advocates, media strategists and more.
Get to know our team. Meet the staff. Get to know our team. Meet the staff.
Our democracy exists far beyond Washington, D.C. We work across the country to protect our democracy on federal, state, and local levels.
Learn more about our impact. Learn more about our impact.
Who we are
We use diverse expertise and a wide variety of tools to protect our democracy.
mission statement
Our mission is to prevent our democracy from declining into a more authoritarian form of government.
Our strategy
We work to preserve democracy with a unified and cross-ideological strategy rooted in expertise.
Learn more about our cross-ideological strategy. Learn more about our cross-ideological strategy.
In a democracy, the people are the ultimate check on power. Protect Democracy’s central argument is that institutions don’t protect themselves; people have to be activated to use the tools the system provides. In a timely metaphor, the group’s leaders compare authoritarianism to a virus sweeping the globe: First you treat the patient by activating the body’s immune system to fight off the illness; over time, you formulate a vaccine to provide immunity in the future.
Molly Ball, National Political Correspondent, Time Magazine
Building towards a thriving democracy for the next generation where….
Elections are free, fair, and trusted.
Checks & balances protect us and our government from tyrannical overreach.
Facts and honest disagreement, not disinformation, shape public opinion.
We're back on the path to a truly free, pluralist, multi-racial democracy.
What is the relationship between Protect Democracy Project and Protect Democracy United?
Protect Democracy refers jointly to the work of sister organizations that share a common mission and vision. Together they form a cross-ideological effort dedicated to defeating the authoritarian threat, building more resilient democratic institutions, and protecting our freedom and liberal democracy.
Protect Democracy United: Protect Democracy United is a 501(c)(4) tax-exempt organization focusing on advocacy efforts to confront threats to our democracy. While not tax deductible, gifts to Protect Democracy United allow us the greatest flexibility in our work: In addition to funding litigation, public communications and organizing efforts, these gifts enable us to advocate and lobby in legislatures at the federal and local level to strengthen and defend our democracy.
Contribute to Protect Democracy United Contribute to Protect Democracy United
Protect Democracy Project: Protect Democracy Project is a 501(c)(3) tax-exempt organization that provides public education about threats to democratic norms and institutions and how the American people can best confront them. It advances its educational mission through research, analysis, technology, and litigation to stand up for free and fair elections, the rule of law, fact-based debate, and a better democracy for future generations. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support Protect Democracy Project.
Learn more about Protect Democracy Project [external link] Learn more about Protect Democracy Project [external link]
IRS Form 990 reports
It can happen here.
We can stop it.
Defeating authoritarianism is going to take all of us. Everyone and every institution has a role to play. Together, we can protect democracy.
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