How a proposed regulation protects the civil service from politicized attacks: A look at the Biden administration’s response to Schedule F

Michigan Stop Gerrymandering booth

Proportional representation and gerrymandering

Proportional electoral systems largely eliminate both the built-in bias inherent to the single-seat model and the effects of partisan manipulation.

September 12, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Analysis
Protestors and counterprotestors at a MAGA march in 2020.

Proportional representation and polarization

With better representation and more equal weight given to citizens’ votes in elections, the zero-sum nature of politics could begin to change.

September 12, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Analysis
Charlie Baker speaking

Proportional representation for the United States

Proportional representation tends to basically do as the name suggests: ensure that a party’s share of seats roughly reflects its share of votes.

September 12, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Analysis