Statement in Response to the Biden Administration’s Invocation of National Emergency Powers to Address Student Loan Debt
Protect Democracy’s Soren Dayton condemns the president’s abuse of emergency powers to address student loan debt and calls on the president to support National Emergencies Act reform.
August 26, 2022

In a Win for Free Speech & Free Enterprise, Federal Court Suspends State Law Seeking to Censor Private Companies’ Speech on Race and Gender
Today, in a major victory for free speech, a federal judge in Florida suspended enforcement of the employer provisions of HB 7, the so-called Stop WOKE Act, holding that it is likely unconstitutional.
August 18, 2022

Independent State Legislatures and Presidential Elections: Addressing Misconceptions About Current Law and Prospects for Reform
There are misconceptions about the Independent State Legislature theory and how it interacts with existing election law.
August 16, 2022

Federal Court to Hear Arguments Today That Florida Cannot Censor Private Companies’ Speech on Race and Gender
Today, the Florida companies that have sued to challenge the constitutionality of the Stop WOKE Act will appear in federal court to argue that the law should be blocked.
August 8, 2022

Hearing scheduled, Plaintiffs file two new briefs in suit challenging the “Stop WOKE Act”
Today, on behalf of Honeyfund, Primo Tampa, Chevara Orrin and Collective Concepts, Protect Democracy and its partner firm Ropes & Gray filed two briefs in our ongoing lawsuit challenging Florida’s “St
July 29, 2022

We Are Retired Generals and Admirals. Trump’s Actions on Jan. 6 Were a Dereliction of Duty.
Seven retired four-star generals and admirals condemned former President Trump's dereliction of duty ahead of the Jan. 6 Select Committee's final televised hearing in July.
July 21, 2022
Cross-Ideological Groups Applaud OMB’s Public Website for Apportionment Documents
Groups across the ideological spectrum applaud the Office of Management and Budget (OMB) for creating a public website featuring all apportionments for the current fiscal year.
July 20, 2022