The 117th Congress Left American Democracy Stronger Than It Found It

Three Huge Wins for Democracy in 2022

An extensive recounting of how we achieved three of our top priorities for 2022: reforming the Electoral Count Act, ensuring accountability for January 6th, and combatting disinformation in court.

December 28, 2022

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Protecting Elections
  • Safeguarding the Public Square

The January 6 Committee Was a Boon to Democracy

Despite severe limitations and outsized expectations, the official investigation into the attack on the Capitol achieved the same measure of success as other similar inquiries.

November 28, 2022

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Op-Ed

Reforming the National Emergencies Act

Protect Democracy has led in the effort to reform the national emergency system to build stronger checks on the use of national emergencies.

November 3, 2022

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Issue