Interfaith America and Protect Democracy Launch Faith in Elections Playbook One Year Before 2024 Election
- November 2, 2023
Washington, DC – Today, just over a year before the 2024 election, the country’s marquee interfaith organization, Interfaith America, and a leading cross-partisan democracy nonprofit, Protect Democracy, launched the Faith in Elections Playbook. The Playbook, which will serve as an anchor for faith-based engagement throughout the 2024 primaries and into the general election, is a step-by-step guide for people of faith to bridge community divides; uplift trustworthy information; support voters with food, water, and a peaceful presence; recruit poll workers; build relationships with local election officials; and offer houses of worship as polling sites.
In a time of deep division in our nation and distrust in our elections, organized people of faith have the power to help bring our country together and keep us on the path toward peace during the upcoming election period. The goal of the Faith in Elections Playbook is to equip a broad coalition of faith and civic leaders with tools to support the 2024 election – and fund some of their efforts.
You will find the website here. In addition to making this comprehensive website available to help faith communities take action during the 2024 election, Interfaith America and Protect Democracy will be launching a pilot grantmaking program later this year to support their capacity.
“From protecting religious freedom at our country’s founding, to addressing religious prejudice in the early 20th century, to leading the civil rights movement, people of faith have played an important role in building a more perfect union,” said Eboo Patel, founder and president of Interfaith America. “We crafted the Faith in Elections Playbook so that people from all faith and philosophical traditions have the tools to meet this pivotal moment as well.”
“The rights that Americans enjoy – including our religious freedom – rest on our ability to exercise healthy self-governance, with free and fair elections and the peaceful transfer of power at the core,” said Chris Crawford, policy advocate at Protect Democracy. “With one year before the 2024 election, there is still time to build upon the great work already happening across the country and form the broad coalition of faith communities necessary to support our democracy.”
The Faith in Elections Playbook project represents a unique partnership between one of the United States’ leading democracy organizations and one of its most influential civic institutions that sees faith as a foundational American strength. The project team includes former campaign operatives from both sides of the political aisle, and its interfaith advisory council members represent a wide range of faith traditions, including Judaism, Islam, Sikhism and multiple denominations of Christianity, including Catholicism and Evangelicalism.
More information about this project can be found here and here.
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