Protect Democracy & Others to DOJ IG: Step in Forcefully on WH/DOJ Communications, Prevent Further Damage
- June 13, 2017
In light of near-daily revelations about White House efforts to sideline and discredit the Russia investigation, some involving the Attorney General and the Department of Justice senior leadership, Protect Democracy has written to the Inspector General to urge forceful and urgent action to prevent further inappropriate contacts. As the letter explains, the White House has engaged in a clear pattern of disregard for these policies by directing DOJ how to do its job, which undermines a core pillar of our democracy and cannot be allowed to continue. Protect Democracy was joined on the letter by American Oversight, Center for American Progress, Color of Change, Common Cause, CREDO, Daily Kos, Free Speech for People, The Loyal Opposition, People for the American Way, Public Citizen and Women’s Action for New Directions.
Allison Murphy, Counsel, Protect Democracy:
“There’s been a pattern of this White House and DOJ ignoring longstanding rules designed to keep our law enforcement system independent since the first days of this Administration. Director Comey’s testimony made clear that DOJ leadership is failing to do its job in enforcing these rules — the result is now threatening the very checks and balances that protect our democracy. The Inspector General must step in to help put a stop to inappropriate contacts between the Department of Justice and the White House immediately before more damage is done to DOJ’s independence.”
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