Weisenbach v. Project Veritas et al.
- August 13, 2021
Update, February 5, 2024:
This case was resolved in a manner acceptable to all parties.
Statements from Project Veritas and James O’Keefe:

Law for Truth — a Protect Democracy project — Ogg, Murphy & Perkosky, P.C., and an additional pro bono counsel team led by Lea Haber Kuck represent Erie, Pennsylvania postmaster Robert Weisenbach in a lawsuit challenging disinformation that undermined faith in the 2020 election and, ultimately, in our democracy. The case was filed against Project Veritas, Project Veritas’s founder and CEO James O’Keefe, and Richard Hopkins, a former mail carrier for the Erie post office. What Hopkins, Project Veritas, and O’Keefe engaged in after the 2020 presidential election was not investigative journalism. We believe the sensational series of statements and videos was targeted character assassination aimed at undermining public faith in the results of the 2020 presidential election. It is a strategy that has gone unchecked for far too long.
Case DocumentsFeatured Press
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