City of Seattle v. DHS

City of Seattle

City of Seattle v. DHS

Protect Democracy filed suit in California on behalf of organizations and communities who will be irreparably harmed by the proposed changes to the naturalization process.

December 12, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Case Documents

NYIC v. Rensselaer County

On July 26, 2019, Protect Democracy and Demos filed a lawsuit on behalf of civil and voting rights organizations to block Rensselaer County from illegally sharing residents’ personal information.

July 26, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
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LULAC v. Public Interest Legal Foundation

Voters subjected to false accusations of felony voter fraud reached a settlement in their lawsuit against J. Christian Adams, a former member of the Pence-Kobach “Voter Fraud” Commission.

July 25, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Protecting Elections
  • Case Documents
White House

Preventing and Deterring Unlawful Pardons

The presidential pardon power is limited by the Constitution, the system of checks and balances it establishes, and the individual rights it protects—as well as by federal law.

May 20, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Case Documents
Top of the US Constitution.

The President Is Not a King

The president is not a king. He, like every American, must obey the law.

March 4, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
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El Paso County v. Trump

Protect Democracy sued President Trump on behalf of El Paso County, Texas, and the Border Network for Human Rights, to stop his illegal use of emergency powers to construct a border wall.

February 20, 2019

  • Defending the Rule of Law
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Abrams and Kemp for governor signs on the side of the road.

Brown v. Kemp

In November 2018, Georgia gubernatorial candidate Brian Kemp resigned from his position as Secretary of State in response to a lawsuit brought by a group of Georgia voters.

November 8, 2018

  • Protecting Elections
  • Case Documents

PEN America v. Trump

Protect Democracy sued President Trump on behalf of PEN America to stop him from using his government powers to punish media critics and quash dissent.

October 16, 2018

  • Defending the Rule of Law
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US Flags

Briskman v. Akima

Ms. Briskman's firing at the hands of her employer is a textbook case of "autocratic capture."

July 6, 2018

  • Defending the Rule of Law
  • Case Documents