Protect Democracy Files Petition to Unseal “Road Map” from Watergate Investigation
- September 14, 2018
On September 14, 2018, Protect Democracy filed a petition in the District Court for the District of Columbia seeking disclosure of the report transmitted by the grand jury investigating President Richard Nixon to the House Judiciary Committee in 1974. That report, which summarized grand jury material relevant to the Judiciary Committee’s consideration of possible articles of impeachment, has become known as the “Road Map.” The Road Map is perhaps the last major Watergate document that remains sealed from public view. In addition to its inherent value as a critical piece of Watergate history, the Road Map is a vital precedent for assessing any potential action that Special Counsel Robert Mueller may take in his investigation of possible obstruction of justice by President Trump.
Protect Democracy represents Ben Wittes, Jack Goldsmith, and Stephen Bates, leading experts on executive power who are petitioning to have the Road Map released to the public. To learn more, read Wittes’s discussion of the case here, and the New York Times article about the case here.
Case filings:
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