Testimony of Anne Tindall and Grant Tudor before the House Judiciary Committee: Modernizing Congress’s Subpoena Compliance and Enforcement Methods

In June 2021, Protect Democracy’s Anne Tindall and Grant Tudor submitted written testimony to the House Judiciary Committee for its hearing on civil enforcement of congressional authorities. Tindall and Tudor’s testimony described how, over a period of decades, “Congress’s power of inquiry has been steadily compromised, driven in part by the weakening of its subpoena compliance and enforcement tools.” The pair proposed responsive reforms in three areas: strengthening civil enforcement actions, modernizing Congress’s inherent contempt power, and updating the statutory contempt process.

Watch the House Judiciary Committee’s June 8, 2021, hearing on civil enforcement of congressional authorities.

About the Authors

Anne Tindall

Special Counsel

Anne Tindall is Special Counsel at Protect Democracy where she works to ensure that elections are free and fair, to prevent political violence, and to secure accountability for abuses of power at the federal and state level.

Grant Tudor

Policy Advocate

Grant Tudor develops and advocates for a range of reforms to shore up our democratic institutions.

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