Trump Prosecutions and the Rule of Law

Donald Trump addressing the press outside a courtroom in New York.

Former President Donald Trump has been indicted by four grand juries (and subsequently found guilty in the one case that has reached a jury) for crimes ranging from knowingly mishandling sensitive national security information to conspiring to overturn an election to obstruction of justice. He is entitled to the same rights — no more, no less — guaranteed to all criminal defendants by the Constitution and state and federal law.

Protect Democracy has produced a number of resources on Trump’s criminal cases, all of which are grounded in key concepts: 

  1. Upholding the rule of law, including independent law enforcement and the fair administration of justice, is necessary to a healthy democracy. 
  2. A political candidate is not entitled to special treatment in the criminal justice system.
  3. Accountability for political leaders who violate the law — regardless of status — is critical for our democracy in both the short and long term. 

It is crucial that the American public understand the charges against Trump, the ongoing legal proceedings, and the legitimacy of those proceedings under rule of law principles, and why it all matters. On top of it all, time is a critical factor. In particular, if the federal courts don’t move swiftly on the key questions before them (and right now the most pressing question is whether former presidents are immune from criminal prosecution), voters may not have the benefit of crucial information that would come from a public trial before the November election. Just as important, Trump may succeed in avoiding a trial altogether if he wins reelection.

Resources on Trump Prosecutions:

Assessing investigations and prosecutions of political leaders (including Trump)

Assessing investigations and prosecutions of political leaders (including Trump)

Understanding the criminal charges against Trump

Understanding the criminal charges against Trump

Why accountability for political leaders is important

Why accountability for political leaders is important

Why time is of the essence

Why time is of the essence

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