How Did We Get Here: Protecting Democracy from State Level Threats in the Age of National Parties

Bill Clinton giving supporters a high five.

The Functions of Political Parties: Introduction

The solution to today’s political problems is not to eliminate parties altogether. Instead, we want those working to improve American politics are all starting on the same page.

October 6, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Reports
George Washington portrait in black and white.

More Than Red and Blue: Preface

This report exists in no small part because of where we are currently in American political time. American politics and indeed American society are highly polarized and deeply divided.

October 6, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Reports
Barack Obama at his inauguration in 2009.

More Than Red and Blue: Foreword

The idea for this task force was the result of two separate but parallel sets of conversations — one that began during my presidency of APSA, and one that preceded it.

October 5, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Reports
March on Washington black and white photo.

More Than Red and Blue: Executive Summary

APSA and Protect Democracy have partnered to support the APSA Presidential Task Force on Political Parties in summarizing the existing political science research on responsible political parties.

October 5, 2023

  • Shaping the Democracy of Tomorrow
  • Reports