Our democracy is in danger.
The 250-year American experiment in self-government is threatened by a global rise in authoritarianism. Together, we can preserve democracy for future generations.

Authoritarianism has been on the march around the world for over a decade.
Understanding the threat
Democracy is in retreat around the world. The majority of countries grew more autocratic between 2011 and 2021, according to independent research institute V-Dem.
Map: decline in Liberal Democratic Index (LDI), V-Dem Institute, 2011-2021.
We know the playbook authoritarians use to come to power.
Authoritarian Threat Index Score
And every independent indicator and warning light we have is blinking red •
But we can stop it. Here’s how:
Our strategy
We can preserve democracy in the United States with a unified and cross-ideological strategy.
We protect free & fair elections, regardless of who wins.
We prevent disinformation from corrupting fact-based debate.
We shape the democracy of tomorrow.
About Protect Democracy
Our mission is to prevent our democracy from declining into a more authoritarian form of government.
We defend elections, the rule of law, and fact-based political debate against authoritarian threats — regardless of who wins or who is in power — and work to shape a better democracy for future generations.