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Fulcrum Logo

Project 2025: The Schedule F threat to democracy (opens a new window)

  • August 27, 2024
  • Fulcrum

Schedule F Resources

Protect Democracy distinguishes Schedule F from legitimate reform efforts. Leading policy scholars and former government executives have signed the Working Group to Protect and Reform the US Civil Service Statement voicing their concerns. Schedule F would have a significant impact on government performance and accountability, according to Moynihan. Finally, Moynihan’s short paper provides a more detailed overview of Schedule F and its intellectual underpinnings.
Talking Points Memo Logo

Georgia Election Board, Beloved By Trump, Keeps Cranking Out Rules That May Sow Chaos (opens a new window)

  • August 22, 2024
  • Talking Points Memo

But despite the mounting criticism of the board, even from other Republicans, it seems for the moment ready to plow ahead with additional rule changes — and unlikely to roll back the ones it just approved.

“There haven’t been any consequences yet for this unconventional behavior,” Peter Simmoms, Georgia Policy Strategist at the nonpartisan group Protect Democracy, told TPM. “There’s currently no reason for the board to act any differently.”

USA Today Logo

Will your vote count? Trump supporters are already working against 2024 election results. (opens a new window)

  • August 19, 2024
  • USA Today

Protect Democracy, a nonpartisan, anti-authoritarianism group, has tracked 34 instances since 2020 of state or local election officials attempting to delay or deny election certifications in nine states. Six of those states – Arizona, Georgia, Michigan, Nevada, North Carolina, Pennsylvania – are considered electoral battlegrounds that could help determine the election’s result in November.

Propublica Logo

Election Deniers Secretly Pushed Rule That Would Make It Easier to Delay Certification of Georgia’s Election Results (opens a new window)

  • August 18, 2024
  • ProPublica

“If this rule is adopted, any claims of fraud, any claims of discrepancies, could be the basis for a county board member — acting in bad faith — to say, ‘I’m not confident in the results,’ and hold up certification under the flimsiest of pretexts,” said Ben Berwick, who leads the election law and litigation team of Protect Democracy, a nonprofit that works to protect the integrity of American elections.

“The bottom line here,” Berwick said, is that “election deniers are intentionally creating a failure point in the process where they can interfere if they don’t like the results of an election.”

How Texas election officials are dealing with a flood of challenges to voter registrations (opens a new window)

  • August 15, 2024
  • Votebeat

Such efforts to challenge voters’ eligibility en masse are “inadequate to address voter eligibility by themselves and also redundant to the work already done by election officials,” according to research on the rise of mass voter challenges by Protect Democracy, a national nonpartisan group promoting fair elections and anti-authoritarian policies.

Fulcrum Logo

We can break the partisan cycle by unrigging the system (opens a new window)

  • August 15, 2024
  • Fulcrum

There are some incredible organizations working on rebalancing the scales, like RepresentUs, Unite America, Open Primaries, FairVote, Rank the Vote, American Promise, Protect Democracy, Veterans for Political Innovation and Represent Women — all of which are building grassroots infrastructure to support efforts around the country as we work to build a democracy where voters come first.

Is Trump’s GOP really flirting with authoritarianism? 7 signs for Catholics to consider. (opens a new window)

  • August 14, 2024
  • America Magazine

Chris Crawford, a policy strategist at Protect Democracy, identifies what this approach might entail: “We need to build a broad coalition of people who may have strongly held differences of opinion on politics or policy, but who are willing to prioritize the defense of our democracy. This does not mean that the differences go away, but it means that we can preserve the system that allows us to have those disagreements peacefully.” (See Mr. Crawford’s recent Short Take, “How poll workers are defending democracy.”)

The Guardian Logo

‘A different level than 2020’: Trump’s plan to steal election is taking shape (opens a new window)

  • August 12, 2024
  • The Guardian

“It’s all part of creating sort of a pretext to say, ‘Oh, we need to throw out this set of ballots’ or ‘We can’t really know who the real winner is,’” said Ben Berwick, a lawyer at the non-profit Protect Democracy who works on voting rights issues. “I think much of it won’t stick, but I think the point is to have enough of it stick to create enough uncertainty for that critical post-election period.”

Raw Story logo

‘Rocket fuel for conspiracy’: Experts share MAGA’s expected playbook for election denial (opens a new window)

  • August 12, 2024
  • Raw Story

“You can force certification through legal mechanisms, [but] those events tend to be like rocket fuel for conspiracy theories and misinformation and undermining confidence in the election,” Ben Berwick, a lawyer at the non-profit Protect Democracy, told the Guardian. “There’s damage done even where certification is eventually forced.”

The Way Democracy Crumbles (opens a new window)

  • August 7, 2024
  • The Progressive Magazine

Trump, says Protect Democracy co-founder Justin Florence, has “followed the authoritarian playbook used by aspiring autocrats around the world to corrupt elections, seize and centralize power, scapegoat minorities, and quash dissent.”

If Trump wins a second term, Florence says he would be an even greater threat to the rule of law, pointing to Trump’s “concrete promises and plans” to dismantle our system of checks and balances and, as Project 2025 shows, to “centralize absolute power in himself.”